• Primary schools.
Drama Workshops and daytime shortened performances in school with pre-show materials such as songs to learn and story transcripts.

• Secondary schools.
Cross-curricular opportunities for History, English and Drama for either Lower School or G.C.S.E. and performances of the shows in school.

• Reminiscence Workshops
for Senior Citizens, opportunities for shared sessions with school pupils, support in links with Community Organisations, Age Concern etc.

Ashton Park
Secondary School,
January 2012
The play was brought in
as part of Year 7's
Opening Minds syllabus.
Here are some extracts
from their follow-up

"The train scene had everything; humour and emotion."

"It was very interesting when they were on the train. It was funny too."

"I wanted to cry when they left.

"Overall the play was outstanding with good props and very quick changes."

"The worst part was the end because we were enjoying it so much."

“The play you are about to see is based on true stories from World War 2. The author spent lots of time interviewing people who lived in the West Country during the war. These stories will be very similar to stories you will have in your families. One of my favourite homeworks is to ask my Year 9 class to find out what their families did during the war. The work that comes back is amazing.

Some of you might still be able to speak to grandparents or great-grandparents to find out personally. If you can’t do that, ask your parents because I’m sure many stories will have been passed down to them.

I’ve heard about soldiers just avoiding being captured, soldiers whose ships were sunk, as well as women who lived through the blitz or took in evacuees. Just think how brave your family has been. Also, think how lucky you are. If a bomb had hit your family’s house and not the one next door members of your family might have been killed and you wouldn’t be sitting here right now. These are some of the reasons I like this play, it’s about us and our histories.”

James Hobbs,
Head of History
Backwell School, North Somerset

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